Primary Mission Cards

Primary Missions

Primary Mission
Burden of Trust
The strategic prizes in this region must be guarded at all costs – a duty that falls upon a chosen few.
Second Battle Round Onwards
WHEN: End of the Command phase (or the end of your turn if it is the fifth battle round and you are going second).
The player whose turn it is scores 4VP for each objective marker they control that is not within their deployment zone. Then, for each objective marker that player controls, they can select one unit from their army (excluding AIRCRAFT) within range of that objective marker to guard it until the start of their next turn.
WHEN: End of each player's turn.
The opponent of the player whose turn it is scores 2VP for each of their units (excluding Battle-shocked units) that are within range of and guarding an objective marker they control.
Primary Mission
True victory is built upon a firm foundation. If the centre cannot hold then all else swiftly crumbles.
Second Battle Round Onwards
WHEN: End of the Command phase (or the end of your turn if it is the fifth battle round and you are going second).
If the player whose turn it is does not control the objective marker in their deployment zone, they score 3VP for each objective marker they control.
If the player whose turn it is controls the objective marker in their deployment zone, they score 3VP for controlling that objective marker, and 5VP for each other objective marker they control.
Primary Mission
Purge the Foe
Exterminate the enemy. Show them no mercy.
Any Battle Round
WHEN: End of the battle round.
Each player scores 4VP if one or more enemy units were destroyed this battle round.
Second Battle Round Onwards
WHEN: End of the battle round.
Each player scores 4VP if more enemy units than friendly units were destroyed this battle round.
Objective Control
WHEN: End of the Command phase (or the end of your turn if it is the fifth battle round and you are going second).
The player whose turn it is scores 4VP if they control one or more objective markers, and an additional 4VP if they control more objective markers than their opponent controls.
Primary Mission
Scorched Earth
What cannot be secured must be burned to ash.
Burn Objective (Action)
Starts: Your Shooting phase, from the second battle round onwards.
Units: One unit from your army within range of an objective marker that is not within your deployment zone.
Completes: End of your opponent's next turn or the end of the battle (whichever comes first), if your unit is still within range of the same objective marker and you control that objective marker.
If Completed: That objective marker is burned and removed from the battlefield.
Second Battle Round Onwards
When: Any time.
Each time the player whose turn it is burns an objective marker, that player scores 5VP if that objective marker was in No Man's Land, or 10VP instead if that objective marker was in their opponent's deployment zone.
When: End of the Command phase (or the end of your turn if it is the fifth battle round and you are going second).
The player whose turn it is scores 5VP for each objective marker they control (up to 10VP per turn).
Primary Mission
Supply Drop
Supplies are inbound. Secure the drop coordinates.
Start of the Battle: Players randomly select two different objective markers in No Man's Land; the first selected is the Alpha objective, the second selected is the Omega objective.
Start of the Fourth Battle Round: The Alpha objective is removed from the battlefield.
Start of the Fifth Battle Round: All objective markers in No Man's Land apart from the Omega objective are removed from the battlefield.
Second Battle Round Onwards
WHEN: End of the Command phase (or the end of your turn if it is the fifth battle round and you are going second).
The player whose turn it is scores the following VP for each objective marker in No Man's Land that they control, depending on the current battle round:
5VP in the second and third battle rounds.
8VP in the fourth battle round.
15VP in the fifth battle round.
Primary Mission
Take and Hold
Control objective markers to score victory points.
When The second battle round onward
The player whose turn it is scores 5VP for each objective marker they control up to 15VP per turn
Primary Mission
Transform the battlefield to your advantage.
Terraform (Action)
Starts: Your shooting phase
Units: One or more units from your army, each within range of a different objective marker that is not within your deployment zone and has not been terraformed
Completes: End of your opponent's next turn or the end of the battle (whichever comes first), if the unit performing the action is still within range of the same objective marker and you control that marker.
If Completed: Each of those objective markers is terraformed.
When End of the Command phase or the end of your turn if it is the fifth battle round and you are going second
The player whose turn it is scores VP as follows up to 15VP per turn: - 4VP for each objective marker they control - 2VP for each objective marker they have terraformed
Primary Mission
The Ritual
When setting up the battlefield remove all objective markers in no mans land except the one closest to the center.
Starts: Your Shooting Phase
Units: One unit from your army
Completes: End of your turn
If Completed: Set up one objective marker anywhere on the battlefield wholly within no mans land and within 1" of your unit, provided it can be set up exactly 12" from one other objective marker within no mans land and not within 6" of any other marker.
When: End of the Command Phase or end of your turn in the 5th battle round if you are going second.
The player whose turn it is scores 5VP for each objective marker in no mans land they control up to 15VP per turn
Primary Mission
Unexploded Ordnance
Clear hazardous objective markers from the battlefield.
The objective markers that start the battle in No Man's Land are Hazard objective markers
Clear Ordnance (Action)
Starts: Your Shooting Phase
Units: One or more units from your army each within range of a different Hazard objective marker you control
Completes: End of your turn if the unit performing this action is still within range of the same Hazard objective marker and you control that marker
If completed: You can move each of those hazard markers up to 6" when doing so that objective marker cannot end on top of any other objective marker, model, or inside impassible parts of the terrain.
When End of each player's turn
The player whose turn it is scores VP: - 8VP for each hazard objective marker wholly within their opponent's deployment zone - 5VP for each hazard objective marker wholly within 6" of their opponent's deployment zone - 2VP for each other hazard wholly within 12" of their opponent's deployment zone